Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

Cara memperoleh kekuatan gaib

Cara memperoleh kekuatan gaib

Berikut ini adalah pelajaran tenaga dalam cara Pak Gatot Margono. Bagaimana cara meperoleh kekuatan gaib dengan cara praktis dan cepat,semuanya akan di berikan secara geratis.


Ambil secarik kertas putih bersih, yang ukurannya cukup besar. Pada tengah-tengah kertas tadi buatlah titik hitam, setelah itu gantungkan atau tempelkan pada dinding tempat latihan. Tinggi titik hitam sama (lurus) dengan padangan mata waktu anda duduk di kursi. Jarak pandang sekitar dua meter.

Duduklah di kursi dan pandanglah terus titik hitam di tengah kertas tadi tanpa berkedip. Dalam waktu memandang, semua pikiran di pusatkan (konsentrasi) pada titik tadi.Jangan memikir apa-apa.

Memang pada mulanya sangat berat, karena mata terasa risi, ingin berkedip. Bila mata sudah berair dan terasa pedih, latihan di hentikan dulu. Nanti di ulangi lagi hingga bisa bertahan lama. Jangan takut dan mudah putus asa. Semakin lama memandang semakin baik.
Setelah berhasil memandang titik tanpa berkedip (minim 3 menit), maka latihan ditingkatkan. Ambillah cermin yang cukup besar, kemudian gantungkan ke dinding seperti yang pertama tadi di tengah-tengah buat titik hitam.
Duduklah memandang cermin tadi. Pandanglah tajam-tajam wajah anda di cermin. Pusatkan pandangan pada pangkal hidung (antara dua mata). Pandanglah terus menerus tanpa berkedip selama mungkin (paling sedikit 4 menit).


Rabu, 13 Februari 20130 komentar

KHODAM makhluk ciptaan Allah SWT yang paling awal, oleh Allah khodam di ciptakan untuk menjaga manusia, jumlah khodam sangat banyak dan karena itu juga setiap  huruf hijaiyyah terdapat dalam alqur’an maupun rajahanan dan semakin banyak ditulis tapi bukan di cetak dengan musin khodampun akan semakin banyak pula.

               Khodam bukan sesuatu kekuatan menutup diri melainkan kekuatan yang terbuka yang bisa dijadikan pengawal dalam segala hajat yang terkait dengan problem kehidupan. Tentu, untuk mampu berkomunikasi dengan khodampun itu dibutuhkan suatu proses laku yang cukup.

18 Cara Ampuh Meningkatkan IQ Anda by admin

meningkatkan iq
1. Tarik Nafas Dalam-dalam.
Dengan bernafas melalui hidung anda bisa meningkatkan fungsi otak anda dengan cepat. Menarik nafas dalam-dalam memberikan asupan oksigen lebih banyak pada darah anda, dan tentunya pada otak anda. Tingkat oksigen rendah pada darah anda akan mengurangi fungsi otak anda. Jika anda berminat, anda bisa mencoba melakukan olahraga pernafasan.
2. Buatlah Jurnal.
Catharine M. Cox, seorang penulis buku, pernah mempelajari kebiasaan 300 orang jenius – seperti Isaac Newton, Einstein, dan Thomas Jefferson – dan menemukan bahwa semua orang jenius tersebut merupakan penulis jurnal atau buku harian yang rajin. Juga, ingatlah bahwa Thomas Edison menulis 3 juta halaman catatan, surat, dan pemikiran pribadinya dalam ratusan jurnal pribadi sepanjang hidupnya.
3. Belajarlah Sebanyak Mungkin.
Ketika kita mempelajari hal-hal baru, kita menciptakan bagian aliran arus syaraf baru dalam otak kita. Orang yang “pintar” adalah seseorang yang memiliki aliran arus lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan orang lain. Otak manusia akan menciptakan aliran arus syaraf dengan mempelajari hal-hal baru; dan semakin beragam hal yang dipelajari, semakin “pintar” pula otak kita.

10 Cara Menambah Tinggi Badan dengan Cepat dan Alami

10 Cara Menambah Tinggi Badan dengan Cepat dan Alami ini merupakan artikel yang akan memberikan solusi, khususnya bagi anda yang memang mempunyai masalah dengan bentuk tubuh. Bentuk tubuh yang ideal secara umum dapat kita bagi menjadi dua yaitu bentuk tubuh yang memiliki berat badan yang ideal dantinggi bandan yang ideal. Untuk mendapatkan kedua hal tersebut memang bukan merupakan perkara mudah. Apalagi bagi anda yang terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaan dan malas berolahraga.

10 Cara Menambah Tinggi Badan dengan Cepat Secara Alami

Untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang ideal, tentu saja kita juga harus bisa merubah pola hidup kita. Untuk anda yang berbadan kurus dan ingin menambah berat badan, anda dapat membaca artikel sebelumnya yang berjudul "9 Cara Efektif Menambah Berat Badan Secara Cepat dan Aman!". Sebaliknya untuk anda yang sekarang beradan gemuk dan ingin tahu cara efektif untuk menurunkan berat badan, silahkan baca artikel menarik lainnya tentang "Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan dalam Hitungan Hari".

Cinta Pandangan Pertama – oleh Rahmad Firdansyah

Dipublikasikan pada: May 9, 2014

Mengapa rasa ini menghantuiku ?
Mengapa rasa ini selalu teringat di benaku ?
Apakah ini yang dinamakan cinta
Cinta pada pandang pertama
Setiap ku mendekatimu
Rasa ini selalu muncul dengan sendirinya
Hati yang berdebar debar
Cucuran keringat yang membeku
Itulah rasa cinta diriku kepadamu
Parasmu,bagai mentari di esok pagi

Bantu aku berdiri – oleh Edi Violla

hidup terasa tak berarti sama sekali
di mataku semuanya tampak kusam
aku ingin berbaring saja
untuk tersenyumpun rasanya malas
seseorang bantu aku berdiri
tolong tarik tanganku
bangunkanlah aku
lalu aku mulai tersenyum
tertawalah aku

Contoh Cerpen Persahabatan

Karya Monica Sucianto

Disana terlihat dua orang anak perempuan yang kelihatan bahagia. Mereka tertawa dan bercanda berdua. Ternyata mereka berdua adalah sahabat. Mereka berdua mernama Adell dan Airin. Mereka takkan terpisahkan. Adell dan airin sudah saling kenal sejak kecil. Mereka berdua tdk pernah terpisah. Mereka sekelas bahkan satu bangku.

Pagi harinya di sekolah…
“Rin……” sapa Adell. Tapi yang biasanya mereka sangat akrab, sekarang berubah terbalik. Airin tidak menjawab sapaan Adell. Dia hanya pergi menjauh dari Adell sambil merintih seperti menangisi sesuatu. Adell sangat bingung, airin adalah sahabat nya tapi mengapa dia berubah menjauhi Adell.
Dikelas mereka berdua hanya diam diaman. Airin hanya memandangi wajah Adel dengan mata yang berkaca kaca. Saat Adell menyapanya, dia hanya meneteskan air mata. Dia gak mau bicara apa masalah nya, padahan Adell itu sahabatnya. Hingga suatu hari bangku Airin kosong, dia pindah ke bangku dipojok kelas yang jauh Dari Adell. Apa yang terjadi dengan nya?. Dia bukan Airin yang seperti biasanya.
Apakah Airin marah pada Adel?. Tapi gak mungkin. Soalnya Adel itu sahabatnya. Adell gak mau sahabat satu satunya pergi.
Adell takut Airin arah padanya. Adelpun meletakkan secarik surat kecil di depan rumah Airin. Surat itu tertulis…….

Contoh Cerpen Romantis - Cinta Sejati Karya Dina pertiwi

Cinta sejati. Apakah kalian percaya akan itu? Akan "Cinta Sejati" yang konon katanya dimiliki oleh semua orang? Cinta yang katanya sangat indah dan menyenangkan? Mitos cinta sejati yang terus menerus melolong dihatiku.

Kupandangi bingkai biru di tepi tempat tidurku. Aku tersenyum menatap benda yang ada didalam bingkai itu.

Bukan sebuah foto ataupun lukisan. Hanya sebuah kertas lusuh. Kertas catatan PKN yang aku robek dari buku miliknya 2 tahun lalu saat perpisahan SMP. Dia sama sekali tidak tahu aku merobek buku catatanya. Bahkan, mungkin dia tidak mengenalku. Aku hanya satu dari ratusan penggemarnya di sekolah.

Contoh Cerpen Remaja - Sahabatku Cintaku

Kamu, orang yang membuatku nyaman, dan bahagia. Selalu menjagaku tanpa lelah. Tetapi rasa ini sungguh menyiksaku, menunggu kepastian tanpa balasan. Dia sahabatku, tapi dia juga nafasku, dia Dicky Aprilio. Sejak pertama aku kenal dia, tatapannya itu masih teringat jelas di memoriku, senyumannya membuatku tenang dan damai  dia selalu menjagaku kapanpun dan dimanapun, setiap aku down dia selalu memegang erat tanganku dan membuatku bangkit lagi.

Mungkin aku terlalu egois terlalu berharap untuk memilikinya, tapi aku tak bisa selalu berpura-pura untuk tidak mencintainya. Tapi disisi lain kalau emang kita jadian aku TAKUT, aku sangat takut kehilangan dia, aku gamau dia hilang dari mata dan hatiku. Tapi di sisi lain juga aku pengen banget milikkin dia, supaya semua orang tau dia milik aku bukan milik orang lain.

Contoh Cerpen Cinta

Aku Pasti Kembali
Karya : putri ayu pasundan

Namaku jelita, aku sekolah di sma vanderwaald. Aku duduk di kelas 1 sma. Aku termasuk siswa yang pandai, dan juga mudah bergaul. Aku mempunyai seorang sahabat dia bernama putra. Putra adalah sosok sahabat yang baik, perhatian, dan selalu mengerti keadaanku, dilain waktu saat aku bersedih, dia yang selalu menghiburku. Suatu ketika dia memendam perasaan yang sama dan aku juga merasakannya.

“jelita..” panggil seseorang itu dari arah belakang. Dan itu sahabatku putra.

“iya put..? ada apa?’’ tanyaku.

“pulang sekolah , ikut aku ya.. aku mau ngajak kamu ke suatu tempat.”

“oke baik.”

Setelah bel pulang sekolah berbunyi, putra langsung menghampiriku dia sudah berdiri tepat di ambang pintu kelasku. Dia memanggilku sambil tersenyum.

“jelita.. ayok kita berangkat.”

Putra tiba-tiba mengandeng tanganku , menuruni anak tangga, Dan segera menuju ke area parkir. Kelas kami berada di lantai 3 . Aku dan dia berbeda kelas . Sejak smp kita selalu bareng. Dan sampai SMA ini. Setelah kami tiba di area parkir, putra mengeluarkan motornya yang terparkir dekat pos satpam.

Contoh Cerpen Lucu

Seorang Profesor
Profesor Carter berjalan kaki mengunjungi rumah seorang temannya yang terletak di ujung jalan. Setelah makan malam dan bermain catur, dia berpamitan hendak pulang. Tapi tiba-tiba hujan turun dengan derasnya dan angin bertiup sangat kencang. "Jangan pulang dulu, hujan sangat deras dan udara sangat dingin juga. Menginap saja di sini!," cegah temannya. Sang Profesor segera menyetujui tawaran tersebut.

Rabu, 09 April 2014
















Manchester United Football

 Club adalah sebuah klub sepak bola profesional Inggris yang berbasis di Old Trafford, Manchester Raya, yang bermain di Liga Utama Inggris. Didirikan sebagai Newton Heath LYR Football Club pada tahun 1878, klub ini berganti nama menjadi Manchester United pada 1902 dan pindah ke Old Trafford pada tahun 1910. Manchester United telah memenangkan banyak trofi di sepak bola Inggris, termasuk rekor 20 gelar Liga, rekor 11 Piala FA,[5] empat Piala Liga dan rekor 20 FA Community Shield. Klub ini juga telah memenangkan tiga Piala Eropa, Piala UEFA satu Piala Winners UEFA, satu Piala Super UEFA, satu Piala Interkontinental dan satu Piala Dunia Antarklub FIFA. Pada 1998-1999, klub memenangkan treble dari Liga Premier, Piala FA dan Liga Champions, prestasi belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya untuk klub Inggris. Bencana Udara München 1958 merenggut nyawa delapan pemain. Pada tahun 1968, di bawah manajemen Matt Busby, Manchester United adalah klub sepak bola Inggris pertama yang memenangkan Piala Eropa. Alex Ferguson memenangkan 28 penghargaan utama, dan 38 secara total, dari bulan November 1986 sampai Mei 2013,[6][7] ketika ia mengumumkan pensiun setelah 26 tahun di klub.[8] Rekan Scot David Moyes diangkat sebagai penggantinya pada tanggal 9 Mei 2013.[9] Manchester United adalah klub sepak bola terkaya ketiga di dunia untuk 2011-12 dalam hal pendapatan, dengan pendapatan tahunan sebesar €395.9 juta, dan kedua klub paling berharga tahun 2013, senilai $3.165 milyar. Ini adalah salah satu tim sepak bola yang paling banyak didukung di dunia.[10][11][12] Setelah sahamnya tercatat di London Stock Exchange pada tahun 1991, klub itu dibeli oleh Malcolm Glazer pada Mei 2005 di kesepakatan menilai klub di hampir £800 juta.[13] Pada bulan Agustus 2012, Manchester United melakukan penawaran umum perdana di Bursa Efek New York.

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Atletico madrid F.C

Club Atlético de Madrid, SAD (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈkluβ aðˈletiko ðe maˈðɾið]), commonly known as Atlético de Madrid, orAtlético, is a Spanish football club based in Madrid that plays in La Liga.[2] Atlético have won La Liga on nine occasions, including a league and cup double in 1996; the Copa del Rey on ten occasions; 1 Supercopa de España and 3 Copa Eva Duarte; in Europe, they won the European Cup Winners' Cup in 1962, were European Cup runners-up in 1974,[3] won the Europa League in 2010 and in 2012, and won the UEFA Super Cup in 2010 and 2012, as well as the 1974 Intercontinental Cup.
The club play their home games at the Vicente Calderón,[4] which currently holds up to 54,960 spectators. In 2015, Atletico are due to move to their new home of Estadio La Peineta, which will have a capacity of 70,000.
Atletico's home kit is red and white vertical striped shirts, with blue shorts, accompanied by blue and red socks. This combination has been used since 1911. Nike are the kit manufacturers, the main sponsor is Azerbaijan. The club is the third most supported in Spain, behind Real Madrid and FC Barcelona. It is also one of the biggest clubs in the world in terms of number of associates (registered paying supporters), with more than 65,000 season ticket holders.
During their history, the club has been known by a number of nicknames, including Los Colchoneros ("The Mattress Makers" in English), due to their first team stripes being the same colours as old-fashioned mattresses. During the 1970s, they became known asLos Indios, allegedly due to the club signing several South American players after the restrictions on signing foreign players was lifted. However, there are a number of counter theories which claim they were named so because their stadium is "camped" on the river bank, or because Los Indios (The Indians) were the traditional enemy of Los Blancos (The Whites), which is the nickname of the club's city rivals, Real Madrid.[5]


Foundation and first years (1903–1939)

Enrique Allende, first President of the club following its establishment in 1903
The club was originally founded on 26 April 1903[6] as Athletic Club de Madrid by three Basque students living in Madrid. These founders saw the new club as a youth branch of their childhood team, Athletic Bilbao.[6] In 1904, they were joined by dissident members of Real Madrid.[7] They began playing in blue and white, similarly to Athletic Bilbao, but by 1911, Athletic were playing in their current colours of red and white stripes. Many believe the change was influenced because red and white striped tops were the cheapest stripes to make, because the same combination was used to make bed mattresses, and the unused cloth was easily converted into football shirts. This discovery of a cheaper option probably persuaded them to change and influenced the Madrid club being come to known as Los Colchoneros nickname. Other more plausible account of the reason to change colours is that both Athletic Bilbao and Athletic Madrid used to buy Blackburn Rovers blue and white kits in England.[8] Once in 1911, Juanito Elorduy, former player and member of the board of Athletic Madrid, went to England to buy kits for both teams. He did not find Blackburn Rovers kits and bought Southampton F.C. red and white ones instead. Athletic Madrid adopted the red and white shirt but opted to keep Blackburn Rovers' blue shorts, leading to them also being known as Los Rojiblancos.
Atletico's first ground, the Ronda de Vallecas, was situated in the eponymous working-class area on the south side of the city. In 1919, the Compañía Urbanizadora Metropolitana—the company that ran the underground communication system in Madrid—acquired some land, near the Ciudad Universitaria. And in 1921, Athletic Madrid became independent of parent-club Athletic Bilbao. As part of that project the company built a sports stadium, named Estadio Metropolitano de Madrid and Athletic had a new a 35,800 seat home.[9] The Metropolitano was used until 1966, when they moved to the new Estadio Vicente Calderón.[10] After the move, the Metropolitano was demolished and was replaced with university buildings and an office block belong to the company ENUSA.
During the 1920s, Athletic won the Campeonato del Centro three times and they were Copa del Rey runners-up in 1921, ironically this final saw them face parent club Athletic Bilbao, and 1926. Based on this record, they were invited to join the Primera División of the inaugural La Liga in 1928. During their debut La Liga season, the club were managed by Fred Pentland, but after two seasons in the Primera División they were relegated to Segunda División. They briefly returned to La Liga in 1934. But were relegated again in 1936, after Josep Samitier took over in mid-season from Pentland. Fortunately for Los Colchoneros the Spanish Civil War gave the club a reprieve, because Real Oviedo was unable to play due to the destruction of their stadium during the bombings. Thus both La Liga and Athletic's relegation were postponed, the latter by winning a playoff against CA Osasuna, champion of the Segunda División tournament.

Liverpool F.C

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The words "Liverpool Football Club" are in the centre of a pennant, with flames either side. The words "You'll Never Walk Alone" adorn the top of the emblem in a green design, "EST 1892" is at the bottom.
Full nameLiverpool Football Club
Nickname(s)The Reds
Founded3 June 1892; 121 years ago[1]
OwnerFenway Sports Group
ChairmanTom Werner
ManagerBrendan Rodgers
LeaguePremier League
2012–13Premier League, 7th
WebsiteClub home page
Home colours
Away colours
Third colours
 Current season
Liverpool Football Club /ˈlɪvərpl/ is an English Premier League football club based in Liverpool. Liverpool F.C. is one of the most successful clubs in England and has won more European trophies than any other English team with five European Cups, three UEFA Cups and three UEFA Super Cups. The club has also won eighteen League titles, seven FA Cups and a record eight League Cups.
Liverpool was founded in 1892 and joined the Football League the following year. The club has played at Anfield since its formation. The most successful period in Liverpool's history was the 1970s and '80s when Bill Shankly and Bob Paisley led the club to eleven league titles and seven European trophies.
The club's supporters have been involved in two major tragedies. The first was the Heysel Stadium disaster in 1985 in which charging Liverpool fans caused a wall to collapse, killing 39 Juventus supporters and resulting in English clubs being banned from European competitions for five years. In the 1989 Hillsborough disaster, 96 Liverpool supporters lost their lives in a crush against perimeter fencing.
Liverpool has long-standing rivalries with neighbours Everton and with Manchester United. The team changed from red shirts and white shorts to an all-red home strip in 1964. The club's anthem is "You'll Never Walk Alone".


Black and white photograph of a man.
John Houlding, the founder of Liverpool F.C.
Liverpool F.C. was founded following a dispute between the Everton committee and John Houlding, club president and owner of the land at Anfield. After eight years at the stadium, Everton relocated to Goodison Park in 1892 and Houlding founded Liverpool F.C. to play at Anfield.[3] Originally named "Everton F.C. and Athletic Grounds Ltd" (Everton Athletic for short), the club became Liverpool F.C. in March 1892 and gained official recognition three months later, after The Football Association refused to recognise the club as Everton.[4] The team won the Lancashire League in its début season, and joined the Football League Second Division at the start of the 1893–94 season. After finishing in first place the club was promoted to the First Division, which it won in 1901 and again in 1906.[5]
Liverpool reached its first FA Cup Final in 1914, losing 1–0 to Burnley It won consecutive League championships in 1922 and 1923, but did not win another trophy until the 1946–47 season, when the club won the First Division for a fifth time.[6] Liverpool suffered its second Cup Final defeat in 1950, playing against Arsenal.[7] The club was relegated to the Second Division in the 1953–54 season.[8] Soon after Liverpool lost 2–1 to non-league Worcester City in the 1958–59 FA Cup, Bill Shankly was appointed manager. Upon his arrival he released 24 players and converted a boot storage room at Anfield into a room where the coaches could discuss strategy; here, Shankly and other "Boot Room" members Joe FaganReuben Bennett, and Bob Paisley began reshaping the team.[9]
The club was promoted back into the First Division in 1962 and won it in 1964, for the first time in 17 years. In 1965, the club won its first FA Cup. In 1966, the club won the First Division but lost to Borussia Dortmund in the European Cup Winners' Cup final.[10] Liverpool won both the League and the UEFA Cup during the 1972–73 season, and the FA Cup again a year later. Shankly retired soon afterwards and was replaced by his assistant, Bob Paisley.[11] In 1976, Paisley's second season as manager, the club won another League and UEFA Cup double. The following season, the club retained the League title and won the European Cup for the first time, but it lost in the 1977 FA Cup Final. Liverpool retained the European Cup in 1978 and regained the First Division title in 1979.[12] During Paisley's nine seasons as manager Liverpool won 21 trophies, including three European Cups, a UEFA Cup, six League titles and three consecutive League Cups; the only domestic trophy he did not win was the FA Cup.[13]
Paisley retired in 1983 and was replaced by his assistant, Joe Fagan.[14] Liverpool won the League, League Cup and European Cup in Fagan's first season, becoming the first English side to win three trophies in a season.[15] Liverpool reached the European Cup final again in 1985, against Juventus at the Heysel Stadium. Before kick-off, Liverpool fans breached a fence which separated the two groups of supporters, and charged the Juventus fans. The resulting weight of people caused a retaining wall to collapse, killing 39 fans, mostly Italians. The incident became known as theHeysel Stadium disaster. The match was played in spite of protests by both managers, and Liverpool lost 1–0 to Juventus. As a result of the tragedy, English clubs were banned from participating in European competition for five years; Liverpool received a ten-year ban, which was later reduced to six years. Fourteen Liverpool fans received convictions for involuntary manslaughter.[16]
3 burgundy tablets with gold engraved writing. Below the tablets are flowers.
The Hillsborough memorial, which is engraved with the names of the 96 people who died in the Hillsborough disaster.
Fagan resigned after the disaster and Kenny Dalglish was appointed as player-manager.[17] During his reign, the club won another three League Championships and two FA Cups, including a League and Cup "Double" in the 1985–86 season. Liverpool's success was overshadowed by the Hillsborough disaster: in an FA Cup semi-final against Nottingham Forest on 15 April 1989, hundreds of Liverpool fans were crushed against perimeter fencing.[18] Ninety-four fans died that day; the 95th victim died in hospital from his injuries four days later and the 96th died nearly four years later, without regaining consciousness.[19] After the Hillsborough disaster there was a government review of stadium safety. The resulting Taylor Report paved the way for legislation that required top-division teams to have all-seater stadiums. The report ruled that the main reason for the disaster was overcrowding due to a failure of police control.[20]
Liverpool was involved in the closest finish to a league season during the 1988–89 season. Liverpool finished equal with Arsenal on both points and goal difference, but lost the title on total goals scored when Arsenal scored the final goal in the last minute of the season.[21]
Dalglish cited the Hillsborough disaster and its repercussions as the reason for his resignation in 1991; he was replaced by former player Graeme Souness.[22]Under his leadership Liverpool won the 1992 FA Cup Final. Souness was replaced by Roy Evans, and Liverpool went on to win the 1995 Football League Cup Final. Gérard Houllier was appointed co-manager in the 1998–99 season and became the sole manager in November 1998 after Evans resigned.[23] In 2001, Houllier's second full season in charge, Liverpool won a "Treble": the FA Cup, League Cup and UEFA Cup.[24] Houllier underwent major heart surgery during the 2001–02 season and Liverpool finished second in the League, behind Arsenal.[25]
Houllier was replaced by Rafael Benítez at the end of the 2003–04 season. Despite finishing fifth in Benítez's first season, Liverpool won the 2004–05 UEFA Champions League, beating A.C. Milan 3–2 in a penalty shootout after the match ended with a score of 3–3.[26] The following season, Liverpool finished third in the Premier League and won the 2006 FA Cup Final, beating West Ham United in a penalty shootout after the match finished on 3–3.[27] American businessmenGeorge Gillett and Tom Hicks became the owners of the club during the 2006–07 season, in a deal which valued the club and its outstanding debts at £218.9 million.[28] The club reached the 2007 UEFA Champions League Final against Milan, as it had in 2005, but this time Liverpool lost 2–1.[29] During the 2008–09 season Liverpool achieved 86 points, its highest Premier League points total, and finished as runners up to Manchester United.[30]
In the 2009–10 season, Liverpool finished seventh in the Premier League and failed to qualify for the Champions League. Benítez subsequently left by mutual consent[31] and was replaced byFulham manager Roy Hodgson.[32] At the start of the 2010–11 season Liverpool was on the verge of bankruptcy and the club's creditors asked the High Court to allow the sale of the club, overruling the wishes of Hicks and Gillett. John W. Henry, owner of the Boston Red Sox and of New England Sports Ventures, bid successfully for the club and took ownership in October 2010.[33] Poor results during the start of that season led to Hodgson leaving the club by mutual consent and former manager Kenny Dalglish taking over.[34] After finishing in 8th position in the 2011–12 season, the worst league finish in 18 years,[35] Dalglish was sacked.[36] He was replaced by Brendan Rodgers.[37]

Colours and badge

Liverpool's home colours (1892–1896)[38]
For much of Liverpool's history its home colours have been all red, but when the club was founded its kit was more like the contemporary Everton kit. The blue and white quartered shirts were used until 1894, when the club adopted the city's colour of red.[3] The city's symbol of the liver bird was adopted as the club's badge in 1901, although it was not incorporated into the kit until 1955. Liverpool continued to wear red shirts and white shorts until 1964, when manager Bill Shankly decided to change to an all red strip.[38] Liverpool played in all red for the first time against Anderlecht, as Ian St. John recalled in his autobiography:
He [Shankly] thought the colour scheme would carry psychological impact—red for danger, red for power. He came into the dressing room one day and threw a pair of red shorts to Ronnie Yeats. "Get into those shorts and let's see how you look", he said. "Christ, Ronnie, you look awesome, terrifying. You look 7ft tall." "Why not go the whole hog, boss?" I suggested. "Why not wear red socks? Let's go out all in red." Shankly approved and an iconic kit was born.[39]
The Liverpool away strip has more often than not been all yellow or white shirts and black shorts, but there have been several exceptions. An all grey kit was introduced in 1987, which was used until the 1991–92 centenary season, when it was replaced by a combination of green shirts and white shorts. After various colour combinations in the 1990s, including gold and navy, bright yellow, black and grey, and ecru, the club alternated between yellow and white away kits until the 2008–09 season, when it re-introduced the grey kit. A third kit is designed for European away matches, though it is also worn in domestic away matches on occasions when the current away kit clashes with a team's home kit. The current kits are designed by Warrior Sports, who became the club's kit providers at the start of the 2012–13 season.[40] The only other branded shirts worn by the club were made by Umbro until 1985, when they were replaced by Adidas, who produced the kits until 1996 when Reebok took over. They produced the kits for ten years before Adidas made the kits from 2006 to 2012.[41]
Liverpool was the first English professional club to have a sponsor's logo on its shirts, after agreeing a deal with Hitachi in 1979.[42] Since then the club has been sponsored by Crown Paints,CandyCarlsberg and Standard Chartered Bank. The contract with Carlsberg, which was signed in 1992, was the longest-lasting agreement in English top-flight football.[43] The association with Carlsberg ended at the start of the 2010–11 season, when Standard Chartered Bank became the club's sponsor.[44]
The Liverpool badge is based on the city's liver bird, which in the past had been placed inside a shield. In 1992, to commemorate the centennial of the club, a new badge was commissioned, including a representation of the Shankly Gates. The next year twin flames were added at either side are symbolic of the Hillsborough memorial outside Anfield, where an eternal flame burns in memory of those who died in the Hillsborough disaster.[45] In 2012, Warrior Sports' first Liverpool kit removed the shield and gates, returning the badge to what had adorned Liverpool shirts in the 1970s; the flames were moved to the back collar of the shirt, surrounding the number 96 for number who died at Hillsborough.[46]